Wednesday 7 October 2009

I like this chap, most of him

This chap David Lindsay sounds very reasonable bar his defence aspirations (he wants to remove all nuclear, radiological, chemical and biological weapons from British soil and waters). Most of his policies I agree with. Hope he gets elected.

"I have real conservative and patriotic policies. Restoring the supremacy of British over EU law. Returning to preventative policing based on foot patrols. Making each offence carry a minimum sentence of one third of its maximum sentence, or 15 years for life. Restoring grammar schools, restoring O-levels, restoring excellent secondary modern schools, and defending and restoring special needs education. Introducing a legal presumption of equal parenting, restoring the tax allowance for fathers, and allowing paternity leave to be taken at any time in the first 18 years of the child’s life. Helping farmers and small businesses through a windfall tax on the supermarkets. Defending village services, saving shooting and fishing, repealing the hunting ban, and making Gypsies and Travellers obey the same planning laws as the rest of us. Preserving the historic regimental system, rebuilding the Royal Navy, and saving the Royal Air Force."

Good Man!

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