Wednesday 21 October 2009

An admission

Mr. 13th Spitfire has to make an admission which most likely will reveal some of he anonymity which he holds so dear - hopefully not to the extent that people will know who he is.

I am a student.

There you have it the sole reason for my being so utterly absent from this blog and its few but valiant readers who take a moment of their, most likely, very busy day to read the thoughts and comments of one who is not yet even a comparable figure in matters politics and history, to themselves. For this I say thank you and hope that my absence has not opened the flood gates to exit for the previous readers of this blog.

But rather we must ask ourselves what on earth is happening in British politics today - has the country gone utterly mad? The BNP, it appears are, as popular as ever, the Tories are transcending into what we always knew they would; BluLabour (they think positive discrimination towards women is a good thing whereas experience and meritocracy are to be shunned) and the LibDems and Labour are as infantile as a muffin - which is always good news.

What will come of this then? We will most likely see only one term of Mr. Cameron for he is displaying all the same qualities as Tony Blair and the latter is not exactly a popular figure in the UK. Probably a second term though for the Tories but under a new leader most likely Boris Johnson, Osbourne or perhaps David Davies. Definitely a leadership challenge.

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