For all of you who are (I hope) as diligent as myself in following the latest developments of the Lisbon Treaty might I recommend this excellent site which captures the majority of MSM writings on this issue.
In the Palace of Westminster, exercised on behalf of elected representatives of the people. Democracy is not a spectator sport.
1971 FCO 30/104
"The transfer of major executive responsibilities to the bureaucratic Commission in Brussels will exacerbate popular feeling of alienation from government. To counter this feeling, strengthened local and regional democratic processes… and effective Community regional economic and social policies will be essential… there would be a major responsibility on HM Government and on all political parties not to exacerbate public concern by attributing unpopular policies to the remote and unmanageable workings of the Community."
NOTE: These are not links provided to be either anti-Muslim or antisemitic they are simply provided as a remembrance to the once proud maxim 'Every Man is Equal Before the Law.'
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