- Climate Change
-Repeal the Climate Change Act 2008
- Defence
-At any time there should be at least three operational aircraft carriers with large support groups.
-Open or re-open one large military hospital for each service. They would operate primarily on the treatment of military personnel but when not at capacity will take on civilians as well so that funds are used as efficiently as possible.
-Reintroduce grammar schools.
-Create a system of normal distribution for grading A-levels; i.e. only the top 5% will be awarded an 'A*', the top 10% an 'A' and so on.
-Replace GCSEs with its predecessor 'O-levels' or alternatively IGCSEs.
-Compulsory uniform for all pupils until and including their last day of sixth form.
-All Polytechnics and Colleges which were spuriously renamed 'universities' by the previous Conservative administration will be renamed and their scope refocused to their old practises.
-National Curriculum to cover only a single sheet of A4 paper per subject, no more and no less, alternatively scrap it altogether.
-Compulsory study of at least one foreign language until the age of 16.
-Compulsory schooling until 16 and remove the current requirement of 18.
-Make History part of compulsory subjects along with Maths, Science and English.
-Introduce a nation wide university entrance exam, pertaining to but not necessarily including, an essay in a subject of choice and subject specific questions and absolutely no multiple-choice questions.
-Remove the schools regulator, devolve their power to councils and drastically limit their scope to singularly focus on the quality of education provided by said establishment.
-As part of the UCAS application process, the statement left by the teacher or a person whom can vouch for said applicant, will be made inaccessible to the applicant in order to promote meritocracy and prevent any form of bias.
-Every single requirement placed on universities which can in any way be linked to social engineering will be scrapped; universities are to select on one thing, and one thing only: merit.
-Schools will be given the power to expel a student and once that decision has been taken it is final.
-Discipline will be reintroduced through-out the system and teachers and head-teachers will be ultimately responsible for the disciplinary standards in their establishment which means that they are open to lobby by parents who want stricter or lesser standards.
-Any education standards imposed by the EU will be scrapped however this is part of a larger resettlement of Britain's continued existence within the EU.
-Create an additional layer of sixth-form material for the brightest calling them 'S-levels' or special levels which are there to stretch the brightest to the breaking point and separate the bright from the brilliant. The S-level material will be on the same level as university material. Take maths for example the structure would be as such for the clever: A-Levels Maths, Further maths and S-Maths.
-Properly fund universities so that they do not have to rely on foreign students to cover their costs.
-Make English the lingua franca of all educational establishments. If a parent wants special tuition so that their child is taught his or her native tongue then they will have to pay for it.
-Make sure that no child is left behind; the slow learners will be given extra help so that they reach the minimum requirements i.e. the 'three Rs'.
-Make it abundantly clear to everyone within this field that everyone is not equally clever or bright, at the same time everyone is not equally dim either.
-No topic is to be taught in science unless it has been 100% backed by the scientific community, who will have a large say in the curriculum of its three constituent subjects; physics, chemistry and biology. Empirically proven science will be the bread and butter of this policy (if the Higgs boson is found this section will be updated to reflect that discovery).
-Make sure that Britain is consistently in the top 10 in the international subject league tables.
-Strive to get at least two more British universities onto the 'top 20' universities in the world.
- Foreign/Domestic Policy (classification remains uncertain)
-Call a referendum on Britain's continued membership of the European Union.
-Halt immigration into the UK for at least a year to sort the system out.
-Repatriate the currently 10% of the prison population who is foreign, in the process establish prison transfer agreements with countries that we currently have none with. Critics should take note that throwing around the racism tag to shut down debate on immigration is a very worn out trick by now.
-Employ more uniformed immigration officers.
-Reinstate the Primary Purpose rule removed by Jack Straw in 1997.
-Reinstate Embarkation controls partially lifted by the Conservatives in 1994 and completely removed by Labour in 1997.
-Count everybody in and out.
-Make it compulsory to have lived in Britain for at least 10 years before citizenship can be issued. If it is issued it is done on the provision that the applicant can communicate in english to a standard expected of someone who has lived in Britain for the past 10 years.
-Any preachers of hate, whether he be a radical islamist or from the KKK, will be banned for life from entering the UK again.
-Any foreign nationals who have committed violent crime in the UK will be deported and banned for life (as part of this the Human Rights Act will be removed from the statute books).
-Any decision taken by the Home Office with regard to failed immigration or asylum application, is final and cannot be challenged in a court of law.
-A deportation decision taken by the Home Office is final and cannot be challenged.
-Put immigration debate back on a healthy agenda with reasoned and informed debate. This government would make it abundantly clear that anyone who has an opinion about immigration is not, and probably never will be, a racist. The character assassination which previously followed immigration debate are to be discontinued by this government.
The guiding light of this government shall be the principle of "summum ius summa iniuria."
- Manufacturing and Business
-Repeal the Equality Act
-Remove at first 50% of the red-tape that is crippling businesses and in particular manufacturers. There should be nothing more than a sheet of rules and they should be no more than guidelines of how not to kill your employees. Currently the government does not seem to realise that employers do not want their workers dead either.
-Set corporate-tax in the band of 10-15% to encourage and attract new business to relocate and set-up new factories and wealth creation.
-Set National Insurance in the band of 10-15% to encourage employers to employ people without having to consider twice if they can actually afford to pay for them.
- Pubs, Bars and Restaurants
-Smoking ban will be removed, landlords to get power to decide for themselves if they want to allow smoking on their premises.
-Reactive 'Black Arrow' and 'Blue Streak.'
-Increase budget of UKSA by 500%.
-Create 'Space Fund' to invest in space related private sector research in the UK.
-Create a 'Space Division' within DSTL and at the same increase the funding to reflect the departmental increase.
-Renationalise all railways and operators; free market by all means but that is subject to it actually benefiting the people which the privatisation of the railways has not done. We subsidise train operators to the tune of £1billion a year and subsidise Network Rail by £4billion. Yet managers continue to pay themselves, private-sector salaries and bonuses and the companies continue to squeeze the travellers. That is why it is time to take the railways back into public ownership. It was a mistake to privatise them in the first place as it has allowed private companies to profiteer without regard for public interest.