Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Curious academic world

It is an absolute mystery to me why Oxford's Plant Sciences division has so many PhDs available whereas Physical Sciences don't have any. What's going on I say? What?

Here's the question of the day boys and girls: why are academics so fucking rude on email?


the doctor said...

Because we can be , dear boy . You are , after all , our intellectual inferior .

13th Spitfire said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
13th Spitfire said...

So true dear doctor, so true.

James Higham said...

Love your longer posts like this:

It is an absolute mystery to me why Oxford's Plant Sciences division has so many PhDs available whereas Physical Sciences don't have any.

Is it really that much of a mystery?

Here's the question of the day boys and girls: why are academics so fucking rude on email?

They live in an ivory tower and know they're right about everything.