Thursday 20 January 2011

Ed Balls will be brilliant. David Cameron should be very afraid this woman actually retarded (no really)?

I thought she was only trying to wind conservatives up, but she actually believes what she writes. I am honestly beginning to think that she is that stupid. I have even dedicated a tag to her now for her ignorance seems to know no bounds, hence they must be rolled out on the internet so people can see just what passes for serious commentary from the left today.


Quiet_Man said...

I honestly thought it was a spoof when I first started to read it :D

Blinky Balls Up said...

Balls will be slaughtered every time he steps up to speak. As he blinks and stutters his way through his total bollocks speech the coagulation will just take the piss out of him. "Where's Broon, £1tr deficit, no more boom and bust, watch out for Nokias,another balls up " etc etc.....
Sqeaker Bercow and the BBC will have their work cut out making him look good.

WitteringsfromWitney said...

Mary Riddell was born without a brain, hence she truly is retarded!

James Higham said...

Retarded - yes.